Saturday, September 20, 2008


For years, my friends Frank Martin, Benny Cortez, Mike Nott and this blog editor enjoyed Box Seats at Yankee Stadium for Old Timer's Day. This trip was the last time we ever got those box seats since our benefactor retired from IBM the next year. From a bittersweet standpoint, this would be the last time I would walk without the assistance of a cane. A few notes about the video, this was the first time Frank ever wore shorts to Yankee Stadium, he also clapped for the Great DiMaggio after a year's strike. You see, DiMaggio did not go to Mickey Mantle's funeral and it took a while for him to forgive the Yankee clipper. We also took bets to see if someone would have the guts to ask a stranger to have us take a picture. Just a little background on what you see. Enjoy this video as four grown men turn back into young boys. Summertime, Yankee Stadium and baseball will do that to you!

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